BISS Ch. Howlbeck Uno-Who JE - Rocky
1998, 1999, 2000, 2001 Top Sire in England
America's Top Producing Sire 2002 and 2004
Award of Merit
2001 Westminster Kennel Club
Best of Breed
Best Stud Dog
Best Veteran
Best in Veteran Sweepstakes
2004 PRTAA National Specialty
Best in Veterans Sweepstakes
Best Stud Dog
Best Veteran
2003 PRTAA National Specialty
Rocky was bred by Mr. George Simpson of the infamous Howlbeck Kennel in England. We saw this wonderful dog in England years ago and it took years to finally convince George to allow his grand old dog to come to America. He was worth the wait and has had a major impact on the breed here in America. Rocky is the Sire of numerous champions and one of America's All Time Top Producing Studs. He has produced Specialty and multiple Westminster Kennel Club Winners.